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U okviru rubrike “Slušaj/Listen!” svakog petka objavljujemo plejliste lokalnih muzičara. U nastavku pročitajte tekst o Lazaru Aleksiću i poslušajte plejlistu koju je pripremio za naše čitaoce i slušaoce.

Ja sam Lazar Aleksić iz Kosovske Kamenice, imam 25 godina. Bavim se likovnom umetnošću i muzikom više od 10 godina. Sviram gitaru i volim da istražujem sve žanrove jer mislim da je to najbolji način da se obogati muzički vokabular. Svirao sam sa više bendova različite muzičke orijentacije, učestvovao na raznim muzičkim projektima, a trenutno nastupam sa Laufer bendom. Muzika je sastavni deo mene, sa njom se budim i uspavljujem, moj posao i moje zadovoljstvo. Mislim da je poziv ove vrste jedan od najbitnijih i najlepših, jer muzika upotpunjuje svakog i sve.

Under the headline „Slušaj/Listen” local musicians’ playlists are being released every Friday. Below read the text about Lazar Aleksić and listen to the playlist he has prepared for our readers and listeners.

I am Lazar Aleksić from Kosovska Kamenica. I am 25. I have been engaged with fine art and music more than 10 years. I play guitar and enjoy researching all (music) genres, because I think it is the best way to enrich music vocabulary. I have been performed with many bands of different music orientation and have been involved in various music projects. Currently, I am giving performance with Laufer band. Music is an integral part of me. It is my job and my contentment. I am waking up and falling asleep with music. I think that vocation like this is one of the most important and one of the best, because music makes everyone and all feel satisfied.

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