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Whoever looks at the world around him through photo lens, he never looks at it the same way again, photographer Demir Pepić believes. All those mountains, lakes, and untouched nature, as well as human emotions, are treasures that he wanted to share with others. Before you is our newest virtual photography exhibit by a young man from Rožaje, a dentist in the world of art.
“A photograph is a combination of skill, creativity, and enthusiasm,” says our interlocutor.
What does photography mean for you?
“It is a great passion which, as such, I jealously protect from commercial exploitation,” replies Demir, 32-year old postgraduate student in North Mitrovica.
“The photographs of Demir Pepić within the series ‘Nature and Society’ again draw attention to the importance of the photographic record, not only as a document, but also as an artistic form of expression. His landscapes getting us back in touch with nature with a special emphasis on people and love between them” – Miljana Dunđerin.
To see the catalogue of Demir Pepić’s photographs click HERE
Although he decided to make dentistry his life’s calling, he says that he was fascinated by art from an early age:
“From the love of painting, music, and film, to photography and capturing, through a lens, all those beauties of nature, in which I somehow found myself.”
He also finds inspiration in nature. Landscape and portrait photography; nature and society – that is what he likes to photograph the most.
Is your camera, like for most photographers, an essential device that you carry with you wherever you go?
“At first, it was. Today, however, as a landscape photographer, I spend a lot of time researching locations and preparing to take pictures. All of this is part of the process of making quality photos,” he explains.
Pepić reveals that he could not scout locations and take photographs in the previous period (in recent months) because of the quarantine introduced as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
“Quarantine was a terrible thing, especially for us who photograph scenery and share it with others. Things are slowly returning to normal, so I’m already looking forward to reuniting with society and nature,” concludes our interlocutor.
The exhibition “Nature and Society” was organized within the “ArtCult” project, in cooperation with the Private Cultural Center “Akvarius” and with the support of UNMIK. The series of exhibitions aims to present contemporary creativity of fine artists from different national communities, different generations, and different stylistic and poetic orientations, who live and create in Kosovo and the region.